Michigan vs. Michigan State
Which one are you?
She asked her students to raise their hands if they were Spartan fans too.
Not really knowing what a Spartan was, but wanting to be liked by their teacher, their hands all flew into the air.
However, there was one exception. A little boy named Timmy was not going along with the crowd.
The teacher asked him why he had decided to be different. "Because I am not a Spartan." said Timmy.
"Then," asked the teacher, "What are you?" Timmy replied proudly, "I am a Michigan fan!"
The teacher, a dedicated Spartan, was a little perturbed now as her face turned slightly red.
She asked Timmy why he was a Michigan fan. "Well, my Mom and Dad are Michigan fans, so I'm a Michigan fan, too," Timmy responded.
The teacher got very angry. "That's no reason," she said loudly. "What if your Mom was a moron and your dad was an idiot?
Timmy smiled and said, "Then, I'd be a Spartan Fan."