New House - Day Two
We finished removing the border in the kitchen, laid down one coat of primer, and then painted the kitchen and the laundry room "Harvest Wheat". It looks really nice. We're not quite done yet - haven't painted above the cabinets or anywhere near the ceiling - but it's MUCH nicer than the mauve that was in there before.
In order to paint the laundry room, I decided I wanted to take down the wire shelving that was in there. When they were installed, they were installed with drywall mollies and drywall nails. In otherwords, these shelves were not meant to be taken down. I ripped them out of the wall. I think we're gonna put cabinets in the laundry anyway.
Adrienne and Jan finished painting Emily's room - it's an incredibly bright "Enchanted Princess" pink - a Disney color. They also cleaned out some of the weeds from the landscaped areas in front.
The former owners of this house had a curious way of dealing with "stuff"... we found several sprinklers, a tiki tourch, and an old potted plant under the deck, and numerous items in the landscaping in the front and on the side. They just dumped their house plants in the landscaped areas, which are pretty poorly taken care of. We're going to do a lot of plant removal and then bring in some mulch!
Tomorrow I think we may only work a half day. We're gonna finish painting in the kitchen, and get all the stuff out of the storage unit and bring it over to the house. And I think we're gonna spend some time either at the pool or at the lake. Not sure which.