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30 September 2008

An Energy Revolution - the Keppean Motor

So a friend of mine introduced me to some research that some Brazilian scientists have done.  Dr. Norberto Keppe wrote a book called The New Physics that describes some theoretical alternatives to Newton and Einstein's physics.  The findings in the book led Brazilian scientists Cesar Soos and Roberto Frascari to discover a method of capturing "scalar energy", a type of energy that was "discovered" by Nikola Tesla (here's an interesting article) in the early part of the 20th century.

Anyway, they invented a motor and demonstrated it at a conference last week.  The motor apparently runs on considerably LESS power than a standard electric motor.  For example, a fan that would normally consume 60-80 watts of power can be run on the Keppe Motor and only consume 3 watts.

There is a video demonstration here.

I like the idea of revolutionary changes in technology.  It bothers me a bit because they seem a bit cultish.  I mean, the organization is called STOP the Destruction of the World (website, blog).  In addition to sounding a bit cultish, they presented their demo at the World Conference of Analytical Trilogy (wtf is that?), an event that was co-sponsored by the University of San Diego's Center for Christian Spirituality.

I'd actually be more comfortable if the inventors were greedy corporate bastards but apparently they're tree-hugging hippies.

No offense of course.  I love the idea of doing things for the betterment of the world but I also believe that money is the driving force of technology.

So far, I have yet to see a single reputable news organization report on this.  But I've got my google alert set up for "Keppe Motor" so I can follow along.

Posted by rickroot at 8:34 AM | Link | 1 comment