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04 December 2006

Diet Update: One Week

261.9:  -5.3 pounds

I didn't post weight updates this weekend because I didn't like the numbers =)  Must've been scale fluctuations.  I've been really good!

Skip and I went to the hockey game Saturday night to see the Carolina Hurricanes take on the Boston Bruins, and I was even good at the game - I stopped by Quizno's for a chicken ceasar salad, and had only a bottle of water at the game.  As much as I would've liked a pretzel or even some BBQ and slaw.... pulled pig isn't too terrible for the Atkins diet, but the slaw probably has some carbs in it, and certainly the western carolina BBQ sauce which I prefer has some too.

I actually ate a good meal last night!  We roasted a beef shoulder filet, and I had some broccoli (with cheese sauce) and I treated myself to a spoonful of rice =)  In order to make sure the numbers keep going down, I'm going to start dramatically increasing my water intake.  So yesterday I probably drank 2 liters of water.

I'm pretty certain I can't get to 20 pounds in 3 weeks - but I am going to aim for 249 by Christmas, which is still 18 pounds.

I'm going to go up to the Nautilus Fitness Center in downtown apex and maybe join up.  It would be useful to add some weight training in.

Posted by rickroot at 8:25 AM | Link | 2 comments
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Re: Diet Update: One Week
Keep it up Rick. Definitely avoid the temptations and be sure to read the labels. Even a stick of gum has 1 carb. I went through a similar process about 5 years ago and lost 50 lbs but my suggestion to you is don't outright deny yourself all carbs such as a slice of bread or rice. Just have it in moderation and choose wholewheat or brown rice. They breakdown easier than enriched flour or bleached products. Otherwise, you'll end up craving it so much that you may just completely cheat or drive yourself nuts.
Posted by Rey Bango on December 4, 2006 at 9:08 AM

Re: Diet Update: One Week
Thanks Rey. Once I get past the first two weeks I'm allowed to "reintroduce" more carbs, so I'm half way there!

Most of those "sticks of gum" actually have sugar alcohol, which don't count in a Atkins style diet because sugar alcohol doesn't mess with your blood sugar levels. Of course, some people thing that gives you a right to go out and eat a bunch of those Russel Stover low carb candies, which are fabulous - but they're still calories =) So I still try to avoid things like that.

The one thing I've always liked about Atkins is that it does curb my hunger. A lot.
Posted by rickroot on December 4, 2006 at 9:26 AM

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